For admission into LL.M please read the details given in post
LL.M. Postgraduate Course
Considering the demands of the students, the University of Gauhati has allowed the College authority to open post-graduate (LL.M.) course in the College from the session 2010-2011. Accordingly, LL.M. course has been started with admission into the 1st Semester. The schedules of semesters shall be as shown below:
a)First and Third Semesters : January 1st to June 30th. (including examinations)
b) Second and fourth Semesters : August 1st to December 31st. (including examinations)
c) Semester Break : July 1st to July 31st
Eligibility for Admission:-
a) Any graduate in law with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate from the Gauhati University or any other University or institution recognized by the Gauhati University shall be eligible to apply for admission into the First Semester of the LL.M. Course.
b) Relaxation of 5% of marks will be given to SC, ST, OBC & MOBC candidates who are permanent residents of Assam.
Pattern of Examination for Admission
Every eligible candidate shall have to appear in a written test consisting of one paper of four hour duration carrying 200 marks.
In this written test, question shall be set on the following pattern :
(i) One question carrying 50 marks on an essay on a topic of current Legal Issues.
(ii) Two questions on Constitutional Law of India carrying 50 marks.
(iii) Two questions on Jurisprudence carrying 50 marks.
(iv) Two questions from Indian Penal Code carrying 50 marks.
Reservation of seats will be as per Government rules.
LL.M. Course Structure
There will be 5 compulsory/core papers in each of the 1st and 2nd semesters. The 3rd and 4th semesters will have elective groups. Each group will have 4 papers. Each students will have to opt for one of the groups from each of the 3rd and 4th semesters. Each of the papers of 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th semester will carry 100 marks-20 marks for internal evaluation during the semester and 80 marks for external evaluation through end semester examination.) There will be a Dissertation spread over 3rd and 4th semesters which will carry 200 marks(150 marks for dissertation +50 Marks for Viva-Voce).
Semester wise Distribution of Papers,Marks and Credits
Semester – I
5 paper
500 marks
30 credit
Semester – II
5 paper
500 marks
30 credit
Semester – III
4 paper
400 marks
24 credit
Semester – IV
4 paper
400 marks
24 credit
Semester – III & IV
1 dissertation
200 marks
12 credit
Total 2000 marks & 120 Credits
The code number and name assigned to each course /paper of 1st and 2nd year are follows:
Semester – I
Semester – II
Basics of Constitutional Law of India
Civil Liberties and Judicial Process
Federalism under the Constitution of India
Law and Justice
Modern Theories of Law and State
Method of Interpretation of Statutes
Theory of Legislation
Hindu Law – II
Hindu Law –I
Legal Research Methodology